How do women work from home with two toddlers without going completely skitzoid?
There are NO women that work from home with two toddlers that don't eventually go skitzoid!
I've come to the conclusion that if there were an Olympic Games held just for toddlers, with events such as:
- Tantrum throwing
- The 8 hour whinging marathon
- Triathalon of non-cooperation (running away, riding away and demanding to get into the pool when it's freezing and I'm trying to fix the freakin creepy crawly)
my toddlers today would have for sure taken gold in the 8 hour whinging marathon (and probably bronze in the Triathalon of non-cooperation)...
So to recover from celebrate their victorious feats today, I've cracked open a bottle of cab merlot or whatever it is... either way it's doing job!
Here's some great blogs I've stumbled across lately...