Friday, 29 July 2011

T G I G A B F G O V R - No it's not Russian !

TGIF ... and... TGIGABFGOVR (thank god I've got a big fat glass of vin rouge)!

After a tireless week of relentless whinging, runny noses and projectile vomiting, the big bright light at the end of my relative tunnel is in full view and blinding me in all its glory!

Translation: my husband and I are heading off (sans children) to Melbourne next week for life in style and to top it all off, we're staying at the Crown Casino!!!!! (I can feel a celebratory running man dance coming on)!

Our little monsters frenchies will be in the very tolerant and able hands of Grandpa Fry and Aunty Hayley (thanks guys, I owe you one!)

Amongst consuming copious amounts of alcohol, coffee and food other things, I'm really looking forward to meeting the lovely and talented ladies, Keren from the brown trading co and Carla from habitat baby!

You can check out their blogs here

habitat baby organic garden party cot set

and here

Cheers to that!

Moet ... I'll drink to that x


  1. Bottoms up! What gorgeous bedding ~ and what a lovely blog ~ Have a great time at the tables!

  2. Jealous..... Have a great time Erin!!!

  3. So exciting!! I will be at Life Instyle too.

    Keren and Carla are absolute gems!

    Have a fab time.

    Leah x

  4. Fabulous! Loving that pink owl! Enjoy the gorgeous weekend, Kellie xx
