Sunday, 24 July 2011

Saintly sister, Sleeping Kids & Some great Blogs !

Oh how I love thy sister... Not only is she a spectacularly amazing and talented person, she has clearly taken pitty on me and my chaotic life and has decided to spring clean our house this weekend! So I've given her the new and much deserved title of "saint" and I will direct Jack, my toddler to address her from now on as "Aunt Saint Hayley" (Charlie doesn't speak yet really so he's excused for now).

So whilst my sister is downstairs rearranging my kitchen (I'm assuming that's what the cluttering is all about ), I'm hiding sitting next to Jack blogging whilst he and Charlie are having their marathon midday nanny naps. I am a lucky woman when I say that both my little Frenchies have quite substantial day-time naps! For those of you that have little ones that don't and if it makes you feel any better, it wasn't always like this (Oh no it wasn't!!!). I'm exceptionally grateful for this peaceful pause in my day and will devastated a little sad when it ends (and Oh it will!!!). One thing motherhood has taught me is NEVER get too comfortable...

Here are some great blogs for you to go check out... x
toni garrn harpers  april
coco + kelly 

In a State of Luxe

Live Breath Decor

French Essence 

White & Wander

Squeezed Daily

1 comment:

  1. Just browsing, your site and was delighted to see the girl on the boat pic with a link to squeezed daily! Ta very much.
