Thursday 14 July 2011

Viva la Revolution!!!

Happy Bastille Day tout le monde! (there, Laurent... I said it!)

Today is the day that the French have a national holiday to celebrate the revolution and more importantly... to celebrate the king's head being cut off!

Oh I heard all about the King's head being removed in such fashion when I went to university in France to learn how to converse with them (not particularly well though, mind you!). Every time they had a strike (and by god they were regular - the teachers over there don't miss a chance to picket their place of employment) I got the run down, which goes something like this:

"We're on strike because we're not happy (ok fair enough). We had the revolution in France and we cut the King's head off (oh, really????). You should be supportive of us when we strike because [once again] we had the revolution and cut the King's head off (uuummmm ooookkkaaaaay)"

Donc... pour mes amis en France, bonne fete Nationale et ne coupez pas les tetes s'il-vous-plait! bisous x

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